2020 Course Renovations @ Nikanti Golf Club


It’s that time again! Late March, peak dry season, and the golf course maintenance team at Nikanti Golf Club are getting ready to undertake another full course renovation. Nikanti Golf Club aims to consistently produce some of the best turf surfaces in Thailand, which means processes like these are a must.

After the renovation program last year, soil organic matter in the top 20mm of the greens was reduced by 5.4%! See last year’s post to see how we were able to make such a huge reduction.

Needless to say, we were all very happy with the results, and the golfers were loving the firmer surfaces. This year we planned a similar program with the hope of taking another large chunk out of the surface organic matter and hopefully getting down to what would be our ideal organic matter concentration.


Below is a listed summary of the full program completed this year on all surfaces. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


  1. Vertical mow at -4mm in 2 directions, up and back on the same line

  2. Double cut at 3mm up and back on the same line

  3. Heavy topdress

  4. Aerate with 12mm solid tines in 2 directions; 1.5” x 2” spacing

  5. Brush in the sand by hand with brooms

  6. Roll

  7. Fertilise with 16-0-16

4-days later

  1. Aerate with 6mm solid tines; 1.5” x 2” spacing

  2. Roll

  3. Brush

  4. Soluble fertiliser and wetting agent


  1. Graden (scarify) at -10mm

  2. Mow at 6mm

  3. Heavy topdress

  4. Aerate with 12mm solid tines; 1.5” x 2” spacing

  5. Level Lawn until smooth and holes are filled

  6. Heavy roll

  7. Fertilise with 21-7-14


  1. Vertical mow at -5mm in 2 directions, up and back on the same line

  2. Double cut at 9mm up and back on the same line

  3. Heavy topdress

  4. Aerate with 16mm solid tines; 2” x 2” spacing

  5. Coco drag mat smooth when sand is dry

  6. Heavy roll

  7. Fertilise with 21-7-14


  1. Circle cut at 7mm

  2. Graden (scarify) at -20mm

  3. Mow at 7mm

  4. Topdress

  5. Aerate with 16mm coring tines; 2.5” x 3” spacing

  6. Heavy roll

  7. Fertilise with 21-7-14


  1. Mow from 40mm to 25mm

  2. Mow from 25mm to 20mm

  3. Aerate high traffic areas with 16mm coring tines

  4. Fertilise with 21-7-14

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions with regard to this year’s program, would like to chat about your cultural programs, or if you’d like to submit any #OM246 organic matter samples for analysis.


2021 Course Renovations @ Nikanti Golf Club


2019 Course Renovations @ Nikanti Golf Club